
The Yellow Gloves©

The Yellow Gloves© is an online magazine that publishes contributions from around the world about the Arts (opera, ballet, cinema, art exhibitions), Design (interior design, fashion, jewelry), Books and Literature (new books, book reviews, best-sellers) and Travels (cities, museums, festivals, people, traditions, food-related events).

Sebastiano Bazzichetto, founder and editor-in-chief, envisioned The Yellow Gloves as a positive space to explore the world, share opinions and celebrate people’s diversity.

The Yellow Gloves was first created to provide readers with a first-hand point of view on art-related, social and cultural events. The title of the magazine is a tribute to Wilde and Beardsley’s The Yellow Book.


Editorial process

Draw inspiration from real life, from what you like, from what you are passionate about.

Submit a first draft to the editors [theygloves@gmail.com].

Editors will work with the author to edit the piece, hone the writing and prepare for publication.
Try to incorporate suggestions and tweaks.
Send the revised version.
Once the second version is approved, the piece is to be published.

Articles, reviews, contributions in general, may be of between 400 and 700 words.
Although suggestions are welcome, the final title is picked by the editors.

Languages accepted for submission: English, Italian, French, Spanish and German.

Please, provide your own pictures. If pictures are not yours, please provide the credits.

Copyright: The author owes the copyright and the intellectual property of the piece and the legal concerns that may rise.

We look forward to reading your contributions.